Saturday, March 7, 2020

Welcome to Trimester #3!

An official "welcome" to the class now that we've officially started with Trimester #3!

I'm excited to work with you all for these spring months. Please let me know at any point if you need anything at all. I'm here to help!

In the meantime, please get used to checking in on the following links to the right: "important dates", "weekly schedule", and "rules/expectations". There are other helpful features on this site, but those links perhaps should get first priority in terms of staying sharp with class matters!

That's it for now, everyone. Let's finish this 2019-2020 school year in a strong way!

Saturday, February 29, 2020

Weekend Update

Hello, everyone! Just a few more days left in trimester #2! Time = flying. :)

In order to prep for our final week coming up here, check out the newly updated "important dates" and "weekly schedule" dates below and to the right.

Reminders at this point: all we have left is the Final Exam "one page" assignment that we've been working on the last few days in class. Keep chipping away at that!

That's it for now, all. Looking forward to seeing you Monday!

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Weekend Update

Greetings, everyone! Enjoying the sun????

Check out the newly updated "weekly schedule" and "important dates" links to the right in order to prepare for our last full week of classes before the end of trimester #2!

HUGE day on Monday coming up here as all of the following are DUE regarding the Book Club Project: final 1 page summary, Artifact Project final draft...on top of being ready to go with your Artifact Presentation in class.


Friday, February 14, 2020

Weekend Update

Greetings, all! Hope this long weekend treats/is treating you well!

Check out the newly updated "weekly schedule" and "important dates" links below and to the right in order to prepare for this upcoming, shortened week.

Reminders: the Wednesday we return is a big day in that your Letter-To-Self is DUE, your Rough Draft of the Final Book Club Project is DUE, and a 1 pg. Summary #4 is DUE. You can do this! ALL of this! :)

Take care, everyone, and see you next week!

Friday, February 7, 2020

Weekend Update

Hello, all! The end of the Book Club Project (and trimester) is nearer!

Check out the newly updated "weekly schedule" and "important dates" links below and to the right in order to prepare for another full week of classes coming up here.

Reminders at this point:

**Per usual, be ready to turn in a 1 pg. Summary (#3) first thing on Monday regarding your Book Club book.

That's it for now, everyone! Take care!

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Weekend Update

Hello, all! Happy mid-weekend!

Check out the newly updated "weekly schedule" and "important dates" links below and to the right in order to prep for another full week of classes.

Reminders at this point:

**Book Club Projects: 1 pg. summary #2 DUE FIRST THING MONDAY! Also, somehow be preparing for the "Commercial Project" presented to you in class yesterday by Mrs. Z and DUE THIS THURSDAY!

That's it for now, all. Mrs. Z and I are looking forward to seeing you soon!

Friday, January 24, 2020

Weekend Update

Greetings, all! Hope the long weekend here treats you well!

Check out the newly updated "weekly schedule" and "important dates" links below and to the right in order to prepare for next week asap.

Reminders: as we are now fully into the Book Club Project process, be reminded about your daily page-reading expectations as well as the fact that a 1 pg. summary regarding what you've read early on in the book is DUE FIRST THING MONDAY.

Mrs. Z and I hope you enjoy! Take care and see you all soon!

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Weekend Update

Hello on this snowy/icy Saturday! Hoping all is well.

Check out the newly updated "important dates" and "weekly schedule" links below and to the right in order to prepare for a shorter 4-day week coming up here (no school Friday)!

Reminders at this point:

**We will finish up with any R/J performances on Monday and spend some time reviewing the latter portions of the play...and then a Book Club Project starts soon!

Take care, all, and see you soon.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Weekend Update

Hello, all! Hope you're staying safe on this crazy winter day!

Please check out the newly updated "important dates" and "weekly schedule" links below and to the right in order to prepare for this upcoming week.

Reminders at this point:

**With the "R/J Performance Project" now in full swing, you'll want to make some sort of progress on it this weekend what with the final due date this coming FRIDAY!

That's it for now, all. See you soon!