Friday, November 30, 2012

First Weekend Update

Hey, all! Hope the first weekend of the second trimester is treating you well?!

When you can, check out the newly updated "weekly schedule" and "important dates" links to the right in order to prepare for this coming week-- our first full week of the second trimester.

In each class, we'll be (on Monday) officially starting our new respective texts which we briefly introduced in each class today (Friday). Again, feel free to preview the text at home this weekend at your leisure...that's why you have them over this weekend!

Also, remember that all of your Key Literary Term work is officially DUE ON MONDAY. It's our first "due date". Be prepared...and re-check the "class rules" to the right in order to prepare for RESPONSIBILITY rules!

Take care, guys...and please let me know if you need anything at all this weekend.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Welcome, everyone!

Greetings, everyone. I'm really looking forward to working with all of you and, of course, getting to know you more as students AND as people.

If at ANY TIME, you have questions, concerns, comments, etc., PLEASE feel free to contact me via the email address listed below. Of course, you could always simply talk to me face to face in class as well...:)

Let's get off to a GREAT start this week!