Saturday, March 26, 2016

Weekend Update

Hello, all! Hope a sunny, mild Saturday is treating you well???

Please check out the newly updated "weekly schedule" and "important dates" links to the right in order to prepare for our abbreviated pre-Spring Break week coming up here.

Reminders at this point:

**Eng. 9c: All Russian Revolution research (30 facts/5 sources/Works Cited page) DUE BEFORE YOU GET TO CLASS ON MONDAY!.

**Transitions: Come prepared for class on Monday with either three printed non-fiction reading pieces or something "shared" online with me for me to print before then.

Take care, all, and please let me know if/how I can be of service to you!

Monday, March 21, 2016

Official Welcome!

Hello, all!

An official "welcome" to the class now that we're firmly on our way with Trimester #3!

I'm excited to work with you all for these spring months. Please let me know at any point if you need anything at all. I'm here to help!

In the meantime, please get used to checking in on the following links to the right: "important dates", "weekly schedule", and "rules/expectations". There are other cool features on this site, but those links perhaps should get first priority in terms of staying sharp with class matters!

That's it for now, everyone. Take care!