Friday, February 22, 2013

Final Exam Week Preview

Hi, everyone. First, please check out the newly updated "weekly schedule" and "important dates" links to the right in order to prepare for Trimester 2 final exam week...obviously, an important one.

Reminders for this last week/weekend of the trimester:

**Eng. 9a...all Author Research items are DUE MONDAY. Be prepared to present your info in class while showcasing positive public speaking skills--loud/clear voice, eye contact, movement (at least 5 feet). Also, be up TO Act 5:1 of R/J with the reading and notes by Monday's class period as well. Feel free to finish the story/notes ahead of time if you wish!

**English 9b...all Research items are DUE MONDAY. Be prepared to present your info in class while showcasing positive public speaking skills--loud/clear voice, eye contact, movement (at least 5 feet).

**English 10a...all Research items are DUE MONDAY. Be prepared to present your info in class while showcasing positive public speaking skills--loud/clear voice, eye contact, movement (at least 5 feet). Also, all of your Tuesdays items (plot summaries, paragraphs) are DUE that day as well.

Let me know if/how I can help this weekend with anything at all, guys! Take care.