Friday, February 8, 2013

Weekend Update

Ok, so we FINALLY had a normal week, huh? Man....Well, back to "abnormal" this coming week since we do not have school on Friday!

Anyway, check out the newly updated "weekly schedule" and "important dates" links to the right in order to prepare accordingly.

Reminders for the weekend:

**Eng. up TO Act 2: Scene 4 of Romeo and Juliet along completed written notes for Monday.

**Eng. 9b...All Novel Notes DUE MONDAY, and we'll be presenting our books in class that day as well. Also, don't forget that your initial "brainstorm" research is due that day!

**Eng. at least up to pg. 90 of Tuesdays by Monday and be caught up in your plot summaries for the book as well! We'll be starting a research project officially on

That's it, folks...have a great one.