Saturday, January 9, 2016

Weekend Update

Hi, all! Hope you're hanging in there after what has been a very tough week for all involved! Please let me continue to know if/how I can be of service in this time of need for the Hamilton Community.

As for or continued attempt at "normalcy", please check out the newly updated "weekly schedule" and "important dates" links to the right in order to prep for this coming week.

Reminders at this point:

**Eng. 9b: We have our first Romeo and Juliet QUIZ first thing on Monday. Be prepared to turn in all Act 1 notes as well at the outset of the class period. Please remember: an incomplete assignment = immediate lunch detention! Please let me know well beforehand if/how I can help.

**Transitions: the "Interview" assignment is due first thing Monday! Please remember to also include/write at least a one paragraph "intro" regarding the subject you interviewed.

That's it for now, everyone! Please stay strong and positive!