Friday, January 11, 2013

Weekend Update

Hi, everyone. Enjoying the balmy, mild start to the weekend?! Hope it's a good one for you either way....

When you get a chance, check out the newly updated "weekly schedule" and "important dates" links to the right in order to prepare for our second full week of classes since Break.

Here goes with some reminders for the weekend:

**English 9a--read up TO Ch. 27 of TKMB and complete all pertaining chapter notes for Monday (two separate sheets in our packets). Also, remember that we have our first test on Monday regarding the Tom Robinson situation. Be prepared!

**English 9b--all of your A. Farm essay items are DUE MONDAY. Remember that final drafts should be 2.5 pages (at least), double spaced, typed, 12 point/normal font, 1 inch margins, and with a cover page. Let me know if/how i can help BEFORE the due date if needed! Also, remember that we start our "Choice Novel Project" on Monday, so feel free to choose a fitting novel over the weekend (at least 225 pgs., fiction, etc.) and bring it to class for the genesis of said project. If you do not bring a novel to class on Monday, be ready to choose one in the school library that day in class!

**English 10a--relax and enjoy the weekend with no homework in this class, but feel free to work ahead on Spelling Unit #2 if so desired! Also, be ready for the Hamlet print vs. video assessment on Monday...the one we didn't get to today.

Take care, everyone! Let me know if/how I can help!