Thursday, April 7, 2016

Spring Break Update

Hi, everyone! Really hope all of you--wherever you are and whoever you're with--are staying safe and enjoying life!! Live it up!!

Now, the reality is this: it's almost time to come back to school. :) Let's hit the ground running come Monday, April 11.

Please check out the newly updated "weekly schedule" and "important dates" links below and to the right in order to reorient yourselves for "back to school" action.

Reminders at this point:

**Transitions: you have no official homework over break, but BE SURE TO BRING ANY READING SELECTION OF YOUR CHOICE TO CLASS ON MONDAY AND FOR THE DURATION OF THE WEEK!We'll be using it to practice with a new reading strategy.

**English 9c: you have no official homework over break, but feel free to continue reading ahead and note-taking in Animal Farm! Also, any individual who has NOT presented "Russian Revolution Research" to the class should be prepared to do so in class this coming Monday, April 11--5 "facts" while utilizing movement, a loud/clear voice, and eye contact. Let me know if you have any questions about that!

Note: Tuesday, April 12 will be a unique day in that all 9th graders will be finished with the day in their respective Summit classes at approx. 11:30 AM due to school-wide S.A.T. testing that day.

That's it for now, all. Take care and let me know if/how I can help! Enjoy!