Saturday, April 19, 2014

Weekly Update

Hi, everyone! Hope you're all already enjoying the weekend and the nice weather??

Please check out the newly updated "weekly schedule" and "important dates" links to the right in order to prepare for this upcoming shortened week. You will see that we'll continue our reading/analysis of our major texts in class as well as pick up some new vocab/grammar concepts as well.

Take care, enjoy time with family, and smile this weekend!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Welcome Back!

Hello, all! Hope you had a great, rejuvenating break?? Time to be get back at it, right?! :)

In order to help prep for the coming back-to-school week, please take a look at the newly updated "weekly schedule" and "important dates" links to the right. You will see that we'll be continuing our reading/analysis of each major text (Animal Farm/Crucible) as well as focusing on accompanying grammar/vocabulary lessons (with a quiz on the horizon).

Both classes, be reminded that the optional homework from this past week was to simply work ahead in the above texts. If you borrowed a text from me over break, please return asap tomorrow to my classroom.

Take care, all, and looking forward to seeing you all again very soon!