Thursday, January 26, 2012

Last Weekend In January!

Hi, everyone. First, please check out the newly updated "important dates" and "weekly schedule" links to the right.

Reminders for the weekend:

**English 9a...all research teams should have their rough drafts COMPLETED by Monday. We'll be editing those rough drafts then so it's important that each is complete! Our final due date for the entire project is now next Tuesday...please take note. Be ready to present your findings on Tuesday as well. Contact each other this weekend so you're on the same page as your partner(s)!

**English should be on pg. 50 of Lord of the Flies at the very least by the beginning of class on Monday. Chapters 1-2 in the question packet should be complete by then as well. Also, be prepared for a terms QUIZ first thing in class on Monday.

That's it for now, guys! Let me know if you need anything at all. Take care!