Friday, February 12, 2016

Mid-Winter Break Update

Hi, everyone! Hope the long weekend has already been good to you??

Please check out the newly updated "important dates" and "weekly schedule" links to the right in order to prepare for another shortened, four day week.

Reminders at this point:

**Transitions: our recently started "Play Writing" assignment will be the final "creative writing" piece that we be continued first thing on Tuesday coming up here. We'll have a Planner Check this coming Wednesday as well!

**English 9b: your R/J study group will perform first thing on Tuesday in class after having the first five minutes of class to touch base and practice! We'll start the ACTUAL assignment on Tuesday as well in terms of starting the graded process for that "project"...DUE MONDAY, FEB. 22. Perhaps have a scene in mind that YOU'D like to choose!?

That's it for now, everyone! Please be safe and have a great, long weekend.