Friday, February 3, 2012

Weekend News

Hey, all. Please check out the newly updated "weekly schedule" and "important links" to the right in order to prepare accordingly for this next week.

**English 9a...enjoy the weekend with little (required anyway) to do! It MIGHT be wise though to begin your Greek mythology research (Olympus-Discord) in order to save time on Monday night?! Just a suggestion. Please continue to remember to lug your textbooks to class each and every day from here on out. I know...they're annoying. :)

**English should be up to pg. 120 of Lord of the Flies at the very least on Monday...along with Chapters 5 and 6 completed in your packet. This will be our last full week with this current text...hope you're enjoying the "evil" of it all! Don't let it get ya down. :) All Lord of the Flies items are officially due on Thursday, Feb. 16 after the long weekend...we will have a test over the novel that day as well.

That's all, guys. Enjoy your Super Bowl weekend!